(i) Element of a list cannot be another list in LISP.
(ii) The LISP expression:
(Member ’father ’((father son) (mother daughter)))
returns True.
(iii) The LISP expression (Cons ’B ’(+ 2 3)) evaluates to (B 5).
(iv) The LISP expression (FIRST (REST ’(3 8 5 6))) evaluates to 8.
(v) A problem in artificial intelligence (AI) is one which is so complex that it can not be solved using normal algorithm.
(vi) Exhaustive search is an important tool for solving problems in A.I.
(vii) Expert systems are not creative like human beings.
(viii) Knowledge is the most vital part of an Expert System.
(b) Evaluate the following: (i) (setq X ’(B C))
(ii) (defun foo (x)
(setq x (+ x 7))
(+ x 5))
(iii) (mapcar #’not (nil nil t nil t))
(iv) (reverse ’((a b c) d e))
(c) Do as directed: (i) Write down frame-based representation of CHAIR.
(ii) Explain briefly the limitations of an Expert System.
(iii) Name two frame based expert system shells.
(iv) Name two built-in predicates in LISP.
(v) Name two well-known knowledge representation techniques in AI.
(vi) Name two major components of an expert system.
(vii) Name two major reasoning strategies in AI
(viii) Explain briefly the concept of ‘heuristics’ and its use in AI.
Q2: (a) Explain briefly the main differences between an expert system and a conventional system.
(b) Discuss briefly the important issues in Knowledge Representation.
(c) Explain briefly one of the following two knowledge representation techniques used in A.I.
(i) Semantic Net
(ii) Rule-Based Representation
Q3: Explain each of the following w.r.t. the discipline of A.I.:
(i) Learning
(ii) Understanding
(iii) The Turing Test
iv) Uncertainty
(v) A.I. problem
(v) Combinatorial explosion
Q4: (a) Write a LISP function DEEP – REVERSE which not only reverses the top-level elements of a given list, but reverses even the elements in the inner lists recursively.
For example, for the list ((a b) c ((d e) f)) the function
DEEP – REVERSE returns
((f (e d)) c (b a))
(b) Write a LISP function that finds the factorial of a given natural number.
(c) Write a LISP function that counts the number of atoms in a list.
Q5: (a) Describe what ‘Physical Symbol System Hypothesis’ is. Further, critically examine its validity, relevance and significance.
(b) Discuss state space representation for the following well-known problems:
(i) Traveling Salesman Problem
(ii) Water-Jug Problem,
(iii) Human Cannibal River-Crossing Problem.
Q6: (a) Discuss briefly limitations of an Expert System.
(b) Give Frame-Based Representation for the following facts:
Zakir is a 52-year-old Professor of Mathematics in Delhi University. The name of his wife, son and daughter are respectively Sakina, Yusuf and Jamila.
(c) Give Semantic Net representation (instead of Frame-based representation) of the facts given in part (b) of this question.
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- English Core Set-3 (2008)