MCSL-016: Internet Concepts and Web Design
Assignment Code : MCA (1)/016/Assign/09
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25%
Last Dates for Submission : 30th April, 2009 (For January Session)
31st October, 2009 (For July Session)
This assignment has one question. Question carries 40 marks. Your Lab Record will carry 40 Marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce.
Design a website for newspapers and magazine portal which takes subscription order online through a credit card and makes home delivery. It should include the following:
· Home page containing pull down menu box for the links using VBScript.
· It should display the current date and time.
· The home page should have link of the current news, archieve, FAQ, sitemap, weather, business, sports, world news, etc.
· It should have also search faculty
· The breaking news should appear scrolling on the top form.
· The home page should be divided into a number of frames for displaying and each frame should be filled up with different back ground colour.
· The logo of the company should be displayed on the top
· The middle frame should be used for displaying video/image
· The headline should be at the right side of the page
· The lowermost frame should be used for showing links of the most popular articles of the month.
· Perform validation checks on credit card number.
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