Q1: Write a Program using Servlet and JDBC for developing online application for displaying TEE results of MCA Program. A student has to score 50 % in theory, practical and assignment to qualify the paper. Create appropriate databases.
Q2: Write a JSP Program, which displays a web page containing the name of the school, program being offered currently, number of students enrolled in each program, new programs to be offered, eligibility criteria for taking admission in each program.
Q3: Write a program using JDBC and JSP to display the names and addresses of all those MCA students who are working in Software Development Company.
Q4: Write an XML document to represent the TEE grade card of MCA that will contain student name, subjects, assignment marks, total marks, and final status (pass/fail).
PART-II: MCS-053 (Computer Graphics and Multimedia)
Q1: Write a program in C or C++ demonstrate Bresenham’s Line generation algorithm?
Q2: Using OpenGL write a program to develop a chessboard pattern on the screen?
Q3: Using OpenGL develop a scene of rising and setting Sun?
Q4: Write a program in C or C++ to produce the sweep representation of a circle and hence produce a cylinder?
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